Suggestions for


The One-Minute Scientist - Franklin Pierce Dong
Zen, Cocaine & Science: An Incoherent Metaphysical Babble - Wolf T. Swedenborg
Thinking on the Wrong Side of the Brain - Tuesday Kurosawa

The Universe

Let the Stars Guide Your Divorce - Sheherazade O'Feeny
Build Your Own Comet Shelter - Gepetto F.X. Esterhazy
Weight Loss Through Space Travel - Rolf Birdseye, D.D.S.

Matter and Energy

Special Relativity for Special Children - Zenobia Mintz Bender
General Relativity for Generals - Bomilcar Toth
Sight Without Glasses Through Magnetism - Wolfram Tungsten
"Nuclear power Killed My Poodle," NoEvolution Quarterly Issue No. 37 - Treemonisha Pancake

The Earth

Geology - Fact or Fancy? - Tor Rotweiler
Our Friends the Rocks - Emma Firebaugh Treehouse
The Back Yard Volcano - Rex Y. Teabucket
Continental Drifter - Faron "Poker Slim" Kallikak


Dinosaurs from Outer Space - G. Kingsley Firpo
My First Book of Endothermic Therapsids - Maude Dingle Winterhalter
Evolution, A Communist Lie - Col. Tubalcain "Billy" Snowbird, USAF (retired)
Evolution, A Capitalist Lie - Jackov "Beef" Stroganov, PhD.
Evolution, An Infidel Lie - Dr. Achmed Zccvbrcachl

The Descent of Man

They Walked Sort of Like Men - Rae Dawn Schicklegruber
A Field Guide to Western Girls - Nils Van Der Whoop
Man, the Toolbreaker - Constance d'Annunzio Blight
The Picture Book of Racial Degenerates - Norman and George Lincoln Rockwell
The Bell Curve - "you-know-who"


The Universe / Matter & Energy / The Earth / Evolution / The Descent of Man

Appendix / Glossary / Tables & Charts / Further Reading